About Us
Meet the owners, Tom and Wendy (Carver) Carroll.

Tom was born and raised in Oxford NY and ran his own dairy farm for 35 years. After that, he became a real estate broker, working in offices right here in Sidney, where he watched this liquor store and thought about owning it one day.
Wendy moved here from the Hudson Valley in 1996. She considers herself “mostly local”. Many of you know her from working at different businesses in Sidney, Unadilla and Oneonta. She has also had dreams of one day owning her own business in the beverage industry.
Through hard work, some luck, and proper planetary alignment, their collective dreams came to fruition early in 2021. The change of ownership took place on January 22nd. Since that day, it has been a wonderful, exciting time of putting their own new twist on a store which has been in the business of selling wines and spirits for 100 years.
Tom and Wendy look forward to continued upgrades and finding more ways to make C&C Liquid Assets Wines and Spirits the liquor store people will go out of the way for.